Courses for Sept-Dec 2024:

Vide et Créativité

dans le processus thérapeutique

27-29 septembre 2024

Sauges-St Aubin, Neuchâtel, CH

Infos, inscriptions et questions:

Liza Krivine, 079 784 48 84.    [email protected]

 and starting October 24th, 2024…

Clean Language for Mind/Body Practitioners

A 7-week live interactive online course

Oct 24, 31,  Nov 7, 14, 21, 28,  Dec 5   2024  6pm-8.30pm UK time

This course is for you if you are a mind/body practitioner, therapist, teacher or coach interested in Clean Language and would like to learn how to integrate it in an embodied way into your work.

It will be live and interactive, using Zoom as a flexible workshop platform. You will learn to help your clients:

  • Use mindful, embodied inquiry to transform health problems
  • Make insightful connections between symptoms and the life issues underlying them
  • Take realistic steps towards embodying those insights in everyday life..

The course consists of 7 live, interactive Zoom sessions, where you can:

  • Learn from guided exercises and live demonstrations with members of the group.
  • Work together, with in-the-moment coaching from your teachers.
  • Share what you learn in your weekly home practice with fellow particpants.

Course fee £350  

payable in instalments if that suits your budget

For the full Course Program and any questions about the course, please email Nick at: [email protected]

See Nick interviewed on Clean Language for Bodyworkers here:

‘I have enjoyed using Clean Language for some time but have been wanting to incorporate it into my bodywork practice. I was not disappointed. The course was wonderful, just what I needed and it has inspired me to push on with the journey and exploration of working with mind and body. I also thought that it was wonderful to meet and see other people on a similar journey.’

– comment from 2021 participant


‘What is so amazing about Clean Language is how it seems to hold such space for soul. For the infinite arms of acceptance. The magic of sitting with and trusting life. Getting out of the way while remaining authentically in my own skin, and holding space for someone to be authentically in theirs. Also noticing when I want to ask more cognitive questions, or respond or joke or caretake or to soothe or reassure or offer some calming phrase or insight. Just to let all that go, sit with it, and let the work be the work, in this container of Clean Language….wow.’

Michelle Field, CMT, San Francisco, Ca

What Clean Language is about…

Understand how language can have a direct effect on a client’s mind, body and energy, for better or for worse, depending on how skilfully it’s used;

Listen to, and respectfully explore, the client’s verbal and non-verbal metaphors, since these can be the key to making positive, lasting change;

Liberate yourself from thinking that you need to know the answers;

Help your clients bring trust and compassion to the bodymind and its symptoms.


This course is an introduction to this phenomenally effective way of asking very simple questions, which help clients to make their own mind/body connections and participate more in their own healing process. Clean Questions bring a Zen-like clarity to understanding what a client really wants from a session, and are an excellent way of keeping the therapist’s own unconscious judgements, preconceptions and prejudices to a minimum in communicating with the client.

The course is open to practitioners of any kind of bodywork who are interested in integrating Clean Language into their work with clients and students. 


See Nick’s YouTube demonstration how effective one simple Clean Language question can be here.  

You will learn how to:

  • Discover the mind-body connections hidden in the key words your clients use.
  • Keep your therapeutic language as free as possible from your own unconscious pre-suppositions, preferences and judgements.
  • Help clients work mindfully with the fears that can block their healing process.


Kensal Green, London NW10 6AD



+44 (0)20 8969 3405